Chess Classes Coming to your Home School Organizations in South Carolina

Chess is a game that has a positive impact on young students. It has been proven that chess improves academic, critical thinking and processing skills that helps students perform better in school and in life. Think Moves Chess Academy is excited to partner with your Home School Organizations to offer weekly chess classes for beginner, intermediate or advance players. Think Move Chess Academy will provide trained and experienced chess instructors that will arrive to teach the game of chess.

NOTE: (4 students minimum per session required) Register below for our Home School Class Waitlist classes beginning in October or November 2024. Parents will be notified to register.

Home School Students
Sponsored and supported by these Organizations

South Carolina Association of Independent Home School
Palmetto Homeschool Association

Parents will be contacted to find the best day of the week for you Home School Group
From 11:00 am to 12pm or 12pm to 2pm

Where? Your local library or closest zoned public school

Registration Fee? $90 (6 Weeks of Chess Classes )

What should I bring? Please bring any needed water or snacks.

Questions or concerns? Contact or Program Director Susan Key,