November 11-12, 2023                                        

15th Annual Michael Anderson Memorial South Carolina Senior Open 2023

Registration and Membership Renewal Options are at the bottom of the page.

(ages 50+, born before 01/01/1974)

Hilton Greenville, 45 W Orchard Park Drive, Greenville, SC  29615,

864-232-4747; HR: $115 by 13 October 2023. Group code SCSCT.  Booking link:,WW,HILTONLINK,EN,DirectLink&fromId=HILTONLINKDIRECT

EF:  $55 if rec’d by November 10; $65 at site.  Masters free, EF deducted from prizes. Re-entry $25. USCF, SCCA membership required.  Other states accepted.

4SS, Game/90 minutes, +30 second increment.  Accelerated pairings possible.

Bye:  Once per player, any round; must commit before round 2 (irrevocable bye).


1 Open section:  $250-150-100; U1600: $100-75. Trophies to top SC players, Open & U1600

Schedule:  Registration ends 10:30 AM on Nov 11. Rounds Sat 11, 5; Sun 9, 2.

Info/reg:  Greenville Chess Club, c/o Gene Nix, 119 Northcliff Way, Greenville, SC 29617 (; 864-905-2406.  Address checks to Greenville Chess Club.

Online entry: ThinkMove Chess: - Events

COVID Protocols: SC government regulations apply. As of July 11, 2023, masks are not required.

No Smoking; No Computers; Wheelchair Accessible.